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Weekend Schedule:
Friday 4pm - 9pm
Saturday & Sunday 9am
Lunch 12-1pm
Finish 6:30pm


Week 2: October 13-15th


Introduction to Anatomy & Philosophy & Timeline
Trial & Error
Voice Introduction


Philosophy & Theories of yoga
Basic Principles

Friday 4-6pm @Akasha

Akasha Yoga 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Teacher Training

2nd Edition Teaching Manual

Our mission is to provide a rigorous training of movement with the key elements for excellency required in teaching a safe and skilled yoga class.
What does it mean to be 200 hour certified?
The literal meaning is that you have trained for 200 hours with experienced trainers who have taught yoga for 10+ years and have logged over over 8,000 hours in teaching classes.

Introductions of Yoga:
We want our students to have a better full circle understanding of what yoga is and signifies through many different philosophies. This course will be going over these aspects of history and current ever changing knowledge of how the practice is taught effectively in this ever changing world.

Here is some information about our lineage:

Yoga-Yoga - Hatha Yoga Teacher Training - Austin, Texas
Established in 1996
Guru Karam Benton & Mehtab Benton

"Teaching yoga is more than a profession. It is a passion, a calling, an awakening to your own deep potentials and possibilities. As you learn to teach yoga, you will learn more about yourself, much more than you thought possible. You will discover the truly great and lifelong gift that yoga has to offer everyone and you will learn to share that gift with others."

Yoga Yoga, one of Austin's best-known studios, is shutting down (

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - Gururattan Kaur Khalsa Ph.D
"Shakti the Serpent bids you "Sat Nam!" and welcome to Kundalini Yoga, an ancient technology sometimes referred to as the mother of all yogas, and arguably the most powerful and fast-acting yoga there is. As brought to the West in 1969 by Yogi Bhajan, it produces results up to 16 times faster than basic Hatha yoga!"

The Human Journey and the Soul:
"Our physical body is a gift to our soul. Our soul is given the opportunity to experience the ecstasy of love in a physical body on planet earth. Our body is exquisitely designed to be an instrument to tune us into higher frequencies of love which aligns us with the essence of our soul. These higher frequencies take us closer to God and to oneness with all beings. When properly attuned, our body is our vehicle to consciously experience and communicate with universal energies and our soul."

Anusara Yoga
by: John Friend
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Desi Springer & Micah Springer
"The history of the Bowspring system began in 2012 as a rebellious choice by Desi Springer to lift her tailbone in every dynamic posture throughout her day! In her first 14 years of yoga classes, Desi was instructed to tuck, scoop, and draw her hips and tailbone downward to improve her posture by every teacher she encountered. Her unusually deep lower back curve was widely considered excessive and a misalignment that would lead to painful spinal compression and degeneration. Although Desi tried her best to follow the alignment instructions to not excessively curve her lower back, she had a deep curve in her lower back all her life. Despite her best efforts, Desi could never flatten her lower back like her yoga teachers wanted her to do. Furthermore, the downward direction of the tail always felt contrary to her natural flow. Finally, in the Summer of 2012, Desi boldly announced to the teachers of Vital Yoga in Denver, she was going to follow her heart and not tuck her tailbone any more!"


Philosophy of Teaching & Alignment


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BKS Iyengar Yoga 

“Iyengar Yoga, named after and developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, and described in his bestselling 1966 book Light on Yoga, is a form of yoga as exercise that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of yoga postures which directly lead to other forms such as Anusara Yoga”

AcroYoga Kadri Kurgan- Yoga Journal Author, Photographer, Surfer

(Yoga Journal China)

Yoga of Trust Daniel Scott/ Team

(Wanderlust Feature)

Zen Thai Shiatsu Gwen, Richard

Methode Natruelle Comm. Georges Hebert. 

God Father of Modern Strength and Conditioning Principles: Fitness Trails, Children’s Adventure Playground, Military Obstacles Courses, le Parcour, Yamaks MovNat and the entire “Functional” fitness Industry

ADAPT Founders (Yamakasis)

Yann Hnuatra, Chau Belle, Laurent Piemontesi

-Alignment & Center Line

-Spine & Spinal Movement

  • Seated

  • Prone

  • Standing

  • Inverted

  • All Four Posisiton

-Muscular Body

-Energy Body

-Recovery Systems


-Hand & Feet Foundation

-Static & Dynamic Movement

Anatomy System & Donna Farhi

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Thoracolumbar Rhythm
The thoracic spine has a primary kyphotic curve and the lumbar spine has a secondary lordovic curve.
Movement at the junction of these two opposing curves is called the thoracolumbar rhythm.
Backbends can bring a substantial extension in the vertebra of this junction point, especially T10 through L1, where the floating rubs are not as supportive.

We must use the surrounding musculature to support this area of potential hyperextension. In back bends, we enlist the abdominal muscles to provide control and support of this vulnerable junction.


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Timeline of Yoga
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Saturday Afternoon:

Hatha Yoga

Three basic principles to remember
Breath / Movement / Foundation

Breath in sanskrit is pranayama.
Pranayama : Vital Life Force
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The respiratory tract (pharynx, larynx, Trachea) conducts air to the lungs where gases (O2 and CO2) are exchanged between the air and the blood stream.

The respiratory tract is lined with mucosa, which warms, filters and humidifies the air. The air enters the nasal passage and into the pharynx. The air passes by the epiglottis, a flap that keeps food from going into the larynx.

In ujjayi pranamyama, the epiglottis is constricted slightly to give a sibilant sound to the breath. The air passes down the trachea and into the lungs via the primary, secondary and tertiary bronchi.

The smallest air distribution tubes are the alveolar ducts, which take the air to the alveoli, small inflated sacs where gas exchange occurs. the oxygen in the air is exchanged for the carbondioxide in the blood.

Mechanics of Respiration
During inhalation, the diaphragm contracts, flattens out and lowers down and the external intercostals contract, raising the ribs up and out, which creates decreased pressure in the thoracic cavity and air flows into the lungs.

During relaxed exhalation, the muscles relax and the air is pushed out of the lungs by the elasticity recoil of the lungs, ribcage and muscles.

During forced exhalation, the internal intercostals and abdominal muscles contract to actively push the air out of the lungs.
(Pilates Breath & Breath of Fire)

During forced inhalation and upper chest breathing, accessory muscles (scalenes, pectoralis minor, sternocleidomastoid) assist in elevating the ribcage and sternum.

Applied Practice
Breathing Affects Posture & Movement

On inhalation (In) the head moves back and the cervical curve flattens, the shoulders move back and the thoracic curve flattens, and the lumbar curve increases and the pelvic rotates anteriorly.

Exhalation (Ex) reverses the effects. Inhalation is linked to raising the arms, lifting the chest, extending the back (back bends), and straightening the spine. Ex is linked to lowering the arms, compressing the abdomen (forward bends, lateral bends, and twists), and moving out of back bends.

In will either lift you more fully into a posture or create more tension in the body. Ex will either relax you further into a posture or reduce tension. (Unless you are practicing pilates breath or breath of fire)

Our main focus in asana practice is linking our awareness to the movement of our spine through or breath.

Mulabunda (Pelvic Floor)
Uriyana Banda: Pull in & up / Stretches the diaphram

Main mussel of respiration: Diaphram


Sunday Morning:
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Poses & Review of Weekend

Poses of the week:

Tadasana - Mountain

Adho Mukha Savanasa - Downward Dog

Bitilasana - Cat

Bidalasana - Cow

Forward Fold - Uttanasana

Bahdda Konasana - Bound Angle

Boat - Navasana

Your Instructor

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